The Hinsdale Chamber of Commerce & Bella Cosa Jewelers proudly presents the 58th annual Hinsdale Christmas Walk!
Friday December 6thÂ
5 - 7pm
In Downtown Hinsdale & Burlington Park
Presented by:
Christmas Walk ~ Guests

Schedule of Events (Dec. 6th)
5 PM - Santa's Arrival at & Tree Lighting Ceremony at Memorial Hall
5:00- 7PM - Visit Downtown Businesses
5:00- 7PM - Visits with Santa
5:00- 7PM - Carousel Rides
5:00- 7PM - Train Rides

Santa Visits
Friday, December 6th - 5-7 pm
Saturday, December 14th - 11 am - 2 pm
Saturday, December 21st - 11 am - 2 pm
*In Santa's Workshop in Burlington Park*

Upper and Lower Washington St lot
Village Lot - In between Lincoln & Washington north of the tracks